i-KYC Trend Letter Q2, 2019

We are pleased share with you the second i-KYC Trend Letter for 2019. In this quarter’s publication, we bring the following Financial Economic Crime insights and developments to your attention. We…

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Is Bank Misbehaviour Threatening The Myth of Money?

In his book ‘Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind’[1], historian, philosopher and author Yuval Harari explores how homo sapiens came to dominate the world. One of the reasons identified by Harari…

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Expanding our reach

We’re proud to announce an expansion of our partnerships and teams in the Caribbean and Singapore. IBIS Management Associates is the representative for i-KYC’s products and services in the Caribbean.…

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Is digital onboarding really the issue?

In a recent study, published in Finews Asia, banks responded that digital onboarding is still a challenge. You can find the full article here This conclusion is hardly a surprise but from a pragmatic…

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The impact of the Wolfsberg Group on training

Recent amendments to the well known Wolfsberg Questionnaire mean a bigger impact for more financial institutions, specifically regarding the training that a bank provides for all its staff. The…

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Q1 2019 Trend Letter

With great pleasure we present to you our quarterly update on developments in the field of financial crime prevention. In this edition we will focus on the following topics: Rolf van der…

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Handling security issues in different cultures

By Fernando Lanzer A useful way of analyzing security issues that are handled across different cultures is offered by looking at them through the prism of Huib Wursten’s Mental Images, a framework…

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RegTech – Miracle or Myth?

RegTech is a concept that creates a lot of buzz and holds many promises. Many players join the bandwagon; advisors, lawyers, risk managers and consultants all have an opinion and try to contribute…

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The Dirty Politics of Money Laundering

In the struggle against money laundering in Europe, the score is now: EU member states 2, EU Commission 0. After succumbing to pressure from EU member states in compiling a list of uncooperative tax…

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Why you need an LMS

With all regulations, controls, inspections and audits, it is no longer enough to provide training; it is also required to demonstrate that all (relevant) staff have done all required training…

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