What banks can learn about compliance culture from Volkswagen, Novartis & Tenneco
December 16, 2019
Earlier this year, chief compliance officers from the world’s largest carmaker, Volkswagen AG, Swiss pharmaceutical giant Novartis, and U.S.-based auto parts manufacturer, Tenneco, took part in the…
Reflections of a Seasoned KYC Specialist
December 16, 2019
i-KYC is pleased and proud to take this opportunity to put Arnold Hardick in the spotlight. At the age of 70 and with 45 years of hands-on international banking experience to his name, Arnold has a…
Quarterly Trend Letter Q3
September 26, 2019
With this update the i-KYC team is pleased to bring to your attention a selection of interesting developments in the field of financial crime prevention in the third quarter of 2019. Fixing the…
Hidden dynamics, hidden opportunities
September 24, 2019
Sometimes a well-respected company finds itself completely out of order without an understanding how that came about. These are things that cannot be easily explained. Matters where our common…
Updates on Singapore Regulatory Environment
September 24, 2019
The Financial Services sector in Singapore is all set for an exciting times ahead. Seen in a holistic manner, some of the recent initiatives spelt out in this Trendletter, Monetary Authority of…
The KYC utility revisited – is a problem shared indeed a problem halved?
September 24, 2019
KYC or better Customer Due Diligence and the related work of Transaction Monitoring are often considered cumbersome and painful. Not to mention that financial institutions can be fined heavily for…
Fixing the Train(ing) Wreck
September 24, 2019
The global financial crisis exposed widespread misconduct in the financial services industry, with poor risk & compliance culture being identified as a key contributing factor to the endless…
i-KYC Trend Letter Q2, 2019
September 11, 2019
We are pleased share with you the second i-KYC Trend Letter for 2019. In this quarter’s publication, we bring the following Financial Economic Crime insights and developments to your attention. We…
Is Bank Misbehaviour Threatening The Myth of Money?
June 26, 2019
In his book ‘Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind’[1], historian, philosopher and author Yuval Harari explores how homo sapiens came to dominate the world. One of the reasons identified by Harari…
Expanding our reach
June 22, 2019
We’re proud to announce an expansion of our partnerships and teams in the Caribbean and Singapore. IBIS Management Associates is the representative for i-KYC’s products and services in the Caribbean.…