June 22, 2019
Recent amendments to the well known Wolfsberg Questionnaire mean a bigger impact for more financial institutions, specifically regarding the training that a bank provides for all its staff.
The Wolfsberg Group is an association of thirteen global banks which aims to develop frameworks and guidance for the management of financial crime risks, particularly with respect to Know Your Customer, Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing policies. Founded in 2000 the group has lead the industry on a journey towards more mature financial crime compliance.
The ‘Wolfsberg Questionnaire’ is an instrument used by many banks to assess the control environment of correspondent banks and as such has driven a ‘peer-to-peer evaluation’ of banks’ KYC policies. With a stronger control environment in many financial institutions as a result.
Over the years though, the Wolfsberg Group has ventured into areas beyond client onboarding and customer due diligence. The most recent additions re the guidance on customer tax evasion and the enhancement of the questionnaire with questions on anti-bribery and corruption training indicate that the group takes its mission serious to enhance financial crime compliance in the broadest sense.
In response to these developments, i-KYC is proud to present a Wolfsberg Questionnaire e-Learning Package that addresses the training aspects in the questionnaire.
The modules cover the training aspects mentioned by the Wolfsberg Group and can be packaged based on the FIs needs. All modules come with a knowledge check at the end and of course content can be tailored to the needs of the organization.
Interested and want to know more? Find the details of the program here or contact us at: info@i-kyc.com or call us on: +31 20 305 1188 for more details or a demo.