Modern Slavery

Business Integrity


45 – 60 minutes


Modern slavery can be found in the supply chains of many organisations. The practises that constitute modern slavery are serious human rights violations and serious crimes. Globally, organisations are being increasingly required to eradicate the use of modern slavery in their supply chains and are more and more requested to be able to demonstrate this.

DURATION: Approximately 40 – 60 minutes including knowledge checks
TARGET AUDIENCE:  This course is designed for all employees and for a wide variety of staff including those working in procurement, compliance or risk roles as well as people working in a frontline environment in a broad range of industries..
COURSE OVERVIEW: This Modern Slavery course contains practical cases enabling staff to understand and detect modern slavery in their supply chains and gives insight in how to address and prevent modern slavery.
COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of the entire course participants will be able to

  • Define modern slavery.
  • Name and recognise different forms of slavery.
  • Give a description of where and in which industries modern slavery occurs.
  • Indicate high risk industries.
  • The type of (global) supply chains that create increased risks on modern slavery.
  • Understand several scenarios of modern slavery affecting organisations.
COURSE Content:

Module 1 – Introduction to the prevention of modern slavery

Module 2 – Preventing modern slavery in supply chains

Every module is concluded with a knowledge check.


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