RegTech in Asia Pacific

RegTech is a buzzword that’s used more and more often. Essentially it is a field in which technology companies, (financial) institutions and regulators cooperate to use technology – think big data,…

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The Far-reaching Impact of Corruption

The first-ever household survey on bribery in Nigeria, launched recently in Abuja, revealed the scope and impact of bribery on citizens when in contact with public officials. Conducted by UNODC and…

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Trade Based Money Laundering Update: A Solution is in the Air.

Over the years, banks have become more savvy about detecting and preventing money laundering and terrorism financing. Better education and awareness, policies and technology have successfully closed…

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MiFID II and Investor Protection

Since the 2008 financial crisis, equity markets around the globe have recovered impressively and are hitting new records. What has not recovered in the past decade however, was the trust of the…

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How to achieve operational compliance and reduce your cost of compliance – continued

In one of our previous articles we ended with a plea for a more fundamental approach to look at the operational compliance processes in the 1st line of defense itself. Even big international…

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Unscrambling MiFID II

The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (“MiFID”) consists of a framework of EU legislation that regulates financial institutions. Banks, brokers and asset managers who provide investment…

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2017 Q2 i-KYC Trend Letter

Welcome to this second i-KYC Quarterly Trend Letter for 2017. From the many interesting developments over the last couple of months we cherry picked a couple to bring to your attention. Read on!…

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Subsidiary Governance

As many banks and other companies have painfully experienced over the years, exercising due oversight and control over subsidiary companies can be difficult. Firms with foreign subsidiaries face…

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Pakistan is not the only country where this can happen

This article published in ‘Dawn’ last year not only describes the K&K case clearly but at that highlights some of the underlying issues in Pakistan. A large informal economy, a tradition of…

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The impact of MyInfo in Singapore on the cost of compliance

The MAS had already announced it a while ago but newspapers are picking up on the news of an ‘account opening utility’ now as well (StraitsTimes). The idea is not new of course but it is an…

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