AML/CFT - Tone at the Top



3 – 6 hours

Upon request

AML/CFT – Tone at the Top

No self-respecting Business Leader will admit to flaunting regulatory obligations. On the contrary! It is generally accepted that Business Leaders are both beacon and lightning rod when it comes to  setting and maintaining the corporation’s moral standards.

But why, over the years, have so many successful and respected companies nevertheless been subjected to significant penalties and criminal proceedings due to regulatory transgressions?

The answer to this question lies in the organisation’s ability to translate management’s moral compass into sensible compliance policies and practical operational measures that allow their staff to go beyond merely ticking boxes without stifling commercial agility.

The ‘AML/CFT -Tone at the Top’ workshop engages leaders to rigorously consider the practical implications of their role as guardians of the organisation’s business integrity and provides them with inspiration and practical tools to help them fulfill this important responsibility.

The Programme

In an interactive, thought-provoking and energising setting this ’round table’ workshop encourages Business Leaders to frankly debate and align their personal visions with the firm’s stated integrity risk appetite and reflect on the implications for them as organisational role models. Participants are challenged to think through the practical implications of 7 instruments that they have at their disposal to firmly embed their shared moral vision into the organisation’s DNA.

Engaging and Thought Provoking

In frank debates facilitated by an i-KYC partner and intermittently supported by short videos and ‘serious gaming’ tools, participants will be required to demonstrate their mental agility by switching back and forth between helicopter strategic perspectives and shop floor role play thereby allowing them to assess the feasibility and practical consequences of the group’s moral stake in the ground.

‘Tone at the Top’

Following this intensive and mostly intellectual exercise it is time to formulate an action plan. Using insights gained in the first part of the workshop, practical actions, individual commitments and timelines are established by the group to take the next step and engage the rest of the organisation with their vision.

Follow Up

In conclusion, the group will decide how the progress to align staff expectations and behaviour with the corporate business integrity standards will be monitored.


i-KYC’s partners and consultants are experienced all-round international bankers and business integrity experts.


This workshop is ideally suited for a group of preferably 5 (minimum) to 10 (maximum) Business Leaders.

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