October 1, 2021
This quarter the i-KYC Trend Letter sheds light on several interesting topics related to the prevention of financial crime.
Our guest contributor this time is Pierre Simon, Principal Consultant at Simon Consulting (www.simon-consulting.nl). Pierre clarifies the interdependence between Business-Wide Risk Assessments, AML/CFT policies and Customer Risk Assessments, and highlights recent EBA guidelines on this subject.
Rolf shares some tips on how to manage FEC risks within the ‘New Normal’ work conventions post-COVID and Pieter tries his hand at explaining why, despite an ever expanding volume of AML/CFT rules and regulations, law abiding, well functioning organisations still can, and regularly do end up in a bad place.
Our featured training this quarter is really a ‘gentle reminder’ for those of you who have not yet satisfied your AML/CFT staff training obligations for 2021. The clock is ticking…!
Click HERE to see the Trend Letter