April 1, 2017
With the tally of bank penalties topping USD 321 billion since the crisis* Banking Leaders understandably devote much time and resources to regulatory compliance. With our quarterly i-KYC Trend Letters we endeavour to contribute to increasing the industry’s understanding of the issues involved and in this first Trend Letter for 2017 we hope you will find the following topics of interest:
- Rolf van der Pol, Director of i-KYC Singapore takes a look at how organisations can achieve operational compliance and reduce the cost of compliance;
- Our featured training covers our ‘AML Tips for Business Leaders’ workshop;
- We examine the benefits and mechanics of a structured Training Needs Analysis;
- As our guest contributor this quarter we welcome Vikram Venkataraman, Managing Director of Vianta, a banking advisory firm situated in Dubai. Vikram gives us an insightful analysis of state of AML/CFT compliance with SMEs in the Gulf.
As always, feel free to share this Trend Letter with those who might be interested and we welcome any comments or feedback that you might have to info@i-kyc.com.