Recent events in Singapore that hint at changes in 2024

When the news came out earlier this year that the government was working on a big money laundering bust, one of the first comments already indicated that the regulations in the island state were not…

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KYC – Know Your Customer is not only relevant for banks

We’ve talked about it before but this article highlights…

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A candid – although short – interview with outgoing Singapore MAS MD Ravi Menon on money laundering

Some key points we picked up from the interview with Bloomberg TV here on the question ‘is this just the tip of the iceberg’ his answer is not conclusive – but I believe the consensus in the market…

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Implementing Effective Mandatory Annual Compliance Training Programs

Introduction In today's ever-evolving regulatory landscape, ensuring that your organisation complies with relevant laws and regulations is not just a legal obligation; it's essential for maintaining…

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On sanctions, corruption, real estate and luxury goods in Singapore

The raid and the capture of hundreds of millions of assets and luxury goods has been headline news for a while in Singapore and it raises many questions in the press, for instance on the diligence of…

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What is the MAS up to?

The news about the capture of close to a billion Singapore dollar in assets under a suspicion of money laundering is only the beginning… -          first there’s a reaction from MAS in the Business…

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Don’t be impressed by wealth

Nice work CNA in this article – the experts know what money laundering is but many people don’t and general awareness needs to improve. Netflix series like Ozark or a movie like The Laundromat have…

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AML is not only relevant for banks

We all know that criminals – and perhaps people in general – will look for easy ways to achieve their goals - so it’s likely that a money launderer will not bring it’s dirty money to a bank known for…

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Digital learning innovation for AML and KYC

The Global learning management system market was worth around 14.9 billion US Dollars in 2021, and is estimated to grow to about 43.6 billion US Dollars by 2028, with a compound annual growth rate of…

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Audio Compliance Learning

The landscape of digital audio has significantly changed over the last years, gaining substantial popularity among adults. Surveys have shown that for instance 62% of U.S. citizens have listened to a…

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